
H. D. A. Committees and Rules.

At the last meeting of the board of directors of the Harvard Dining Association, H. L. Blackwell 4G. was elected vice-president of the Association.

The president, C. F. D. Belden, announced the appointment of the following committees:

Executive Committee--The president, vice-president, and C. H. Derby 1L.; Auditing Committee--A. A. Ballantine '04, chairman, E. H. Letchworth 2L., and R. S. Wallace '04; Food Committee--E. H. Letchworth 2L., chairman, H. L. Blackwell 4G., and R. H. Bollard '05.

It was voted that hereafter, the president and directors should suspend or expel from the Association, members guilty of disorderly conduct. Heretofore, according to the constitution, the suspension or expulsion of such disorderly members has been optional with the directors.

The executive committee was instructed to post a notice of this change. It was also voted to abolish the fee formerly paid to each director for attending a meeting of the board.
