

The University Makes Three Touchdowns.--Line Shows Fight.

Yesterday's practice was still far short of what it should be, but on the whole was rather better than the secret work of Monday. The line showed more fight than it has exhibited for some time, although more than once the second got through for good gains. In a twenty five minute scrimmage, with many changes in both line-ups, the University eleven scored three touchdowns against the second.

Carroll, whose energetic play on the second has attracted considerable attention, was yesterday tried for the first time on the first eleven, going in at right guard after A. Marshall had left the line-up. Another new man in the University line-up was Kidder, at left guard, who was guard on the 1905 Freshman eleven. Coburn yesterday returned to the squad, but did not enter the scrimmage; he has been unable to be out of three weeks, owing to illness. Parkinson was also back in the line-up for the first time since the Brown game.

Hurley received the first kick-off, and ran it in from the 15 to the 40-yard line. From there the University eleven by hard playing, carried the ball straight down the field, Mills going over for a touchdown. Marshall kicked the goal.

After the second kick-off, the two elevens exchanged a number of punts, the University finally getting the ball on the second's 40-yard line. Shortly afterwards She made a touchdown by picking up Leonard's fumble on the 18-yard line and carrying it over the goal line.

Nichols ran in the third kick-off 25 yards and then punted to the second's 30-yard line. After the second had rushed the ball to the middle of the field, the University regained it on downs and took it over for a touchdown, Mills scoring.


Among the large number of graduate coaches on the field were: J. S. Lawrence '01, J. W. Hallowell '01, C. S. Sargent '02, G. W. Bouve '98, E. H. Greene '02, C. A. Barnard 3L., D. Dean '92, N. W. Cabot '98, J. Dunlop '96, R. D. Kernan '03, W. C. Forbes '92, C. Blagden '02, F. D. Cochrane '99, R. W. Emmons '95, M. Donald '99, R. W. P. Brown '98, T. H. Graydon '02, A. L. Devens '02.

The line-up: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. LeMoyne, Clothier, l.e.  r.e., Shurtleff, Pruyn Parkinson, Shea, l.t.  r.t., Carr, Derby Carrick, Kidder, l.g.  r.g., Pell Sugden, c.  c., Wilder A. Marshall, Carroll, r.g.  l.g., Pierce, McFadon Knowlton, r.t.  l.t., Davy, Bleakie Bowditch, Montgomery, r.e.  l.e., Blagden, Lane C. B. Marshall, Noyes, q.b.  q.b., Leonard, Mahoney Nichols, Goodhue, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Hurd, Morris Hurley, Nesmith, r.h.b.  l.h.b., McCarthy Mills, f.b.  f.b., Sperry, Pope
