

Six of Last Year's Team Have Returned.--Intercollegiate Schedule.

Candidates for the University hockey team will be called out today. In case the weather moderates the squad will be given practice in the Gymnasium in shooting the puck, and will later be sent on short runs.

The prospects for a strong team this year are exceptionally good, the following six men of last year's team having returned this fall: Souther, Clothier, Macleod, and Carr, regular players; Newhall and Kernan, substitutes.

At a meeting of the Intercollegiate Hockey Association, held in New York last Monday night, it was voted that the Stoddard and Ceballos cups, won by Harvard last year, should be marked and sent on to Cambridge at once. As soon as these cups arrive, they will be placed on exhibition at Thurston's.

The intercollegiate hockey schedule is given below. So far as is known now all the games will be played at the St. Nicholas Rink, 66th street, near Columbus avenue, New York City.

Jan. 9.--Brown vs. Princeton.


Jan. 16.--Yale vs. Columbia.

Jan. 23.--Harvard vs. Princeton.

Jan. 27.--Yale vs. Brown.

Jan. 30.--Harvard vs. Columbia.

Feb. 6.--Brown vs. Columbia.

Feb. 17.--Yale vs. Princeton.

Feb. 20.--Harvard vs. Yale.

The final game between the teams winning the first two places will probably be played on February 27.
