

University Team Won Second Place.--King Finished Seventh.

Cornell won the intercollegiate cross-country run for the second successive year, last Wednesday over the Travers Island course, only 12 points being scored by the Cornell team. The University team finished second with a score of 37 and the remaining four contestants were ranked as follows: Yale 46, Princeton 78, Pennsylvania 100, Columbia 112. Of the 39 men who started, 34 finished, but one of these, J. M. Frank of Princeton, who ended in the twenty-fifth place, was disqualified for failing to take the water jump. All of the Cornell men finished in the first twelve places, W. F. Schutt of Cornell, winning the individual championship. At the start C. S. Jacobus of Yale took the lead, closely followed by Schutt, W. J. Hall of Yale and K. W. Woodward of Cornell. By the end of the first lap, however, Schutt had taken the lead with Woodward second and Hail third, which positions they held to the finish. Time, 33m. 15s.

Of the University team, the first to finish was A. King 1L., who although severely bruised from a bad fall, ended in the seventh place. The remaining men finished as follows: W. A. Colwell 3G., 9; S. Curtis '05, 10; W. G. Howard '07, 11; S. Whittaker 2L., 20; H. H. Rowland '06, 21. Only the scores of the first four men on each team to finish were counted.
