
University Debating Club

At the meeting last evening of the University Debating Club, the debate on the question "Resolved, That the course of our administration in the Panama affair is justifiable," was won by F. W. Catlett '04, and C. B. Clapp '05 for the negative. E. C. Johnson sL., and W. H. Davis '05, were the speakers on the affirmative. The critic was H. A. Yeomans 3L.

Committees to arrange for the Senior-Junior debate were appointed as follows: from the Senior class--E. C. Johnson (chairman), M. F. Perkins, W. Badt; from the Junior class--R. P. Dietzman (chairman), C. B. Clapp, and R. H. Oveson.

Full notices of the meetings to be held regularly on Thursday evenings in the Assembly Room of the Union will be given in the CRIMSON and in the University Calendar. The next meeting will be on December 3.
