

The Intercollegiate Run Will be Held at Travers Island Tomorrow

The cross-country team will leave for New York today at 1 o'clock to take part in the intercollegiate run to be held at Travers Island tomorrow at 3.30 o'clock. While in New York the team will stay at the Murray Hill Hotel and will return to Cambridge immediately after the run. The following six men will compose the team: W. A. Colwell 3G., A. King 1L., H. H. Rowland '06, S. Whittaker 2L., S. Curtis '05, W. A. Howard '07. Trainer Graham will accompany the men.

Ever since intercollegiate runs have been held they have been over the Morris Park course which is essentially a steeple chase course. This year, however, the committee in charge decided to hold the run on the Travers Island course which is laid out like the regular English cross-country courses and which is six miles in length. The main difference between the courses is that on the Morris Park course there are more than forty jumps, while Travers Island furnishes scarcely half a dozen.

The following colleges have entered teams for the run: Yale, Cornell, Princeton, Pennsylvania, and Columbia. Each college is allowed to enter seven men, but only the first four men of each team to finish will be considered in the scoring.

The University team only had a light practice yesterday.
