

Yale's Punting and Steadier Defense Off-set Harvard's Superior Rushing

On Saturday, before a crowd of 40,000 people in the new Stadium the Harvard eleven, though not out-played individually, was defeated by Yale, 16 to 0. In every department of the game except kicking, Harvard was superior to Yale. The game played by the University eleven supposed to be one of the weakest Harvard has ever had, and crippled a few days before the game by the loss of its regular left tackle, was a superb exhibition of aggressiveness and determined spirit in the face of the most persistent ill-fortune. The vigorous attack and the determined defense shown by the University eleven made it the more regrettable that lack of judgment in directing plays at critical moments and a bad fumble prevented Harvard from at least scoring.

In punting, Mitchell out-classed LeMoyne; the former's kicks were from five to fifteen yards longer than LeMoyne's, and were invariably higher and carried better. LeMoyne's poor showing in punting was largely due to Parkinson's erratic passing. A synopsis of the ground gained by the two teams shows bow large a part punting played in Yale's victory. Although Harvard gained by straight rushing 130 yards more than Yale, Yale on punting gained 230 yards more than Harvard.

Of Yale's touchdowns one was directly the result of a blocked punt; and on another blocked punt Yale was enabled to get the ball within striking distance of Harvard's goal line. The first touchdown only was secured unaccompanied by a fluke of any sort.

But the playing of the Yale team is not to be disparaged on this account. As a team they seemed more quick to take advantage of every opportunity presented by Harvard's loose playing, and they utilized skillfully their superior punting ability. Their attack, when once the ball was within striking distance of Harvard's goal line was irresistible. Their defense, especially when the Harvard attack approached the goal line was stubborn and effective.

Three times Harvard had the ball within eight yards of Yale's goal line. In the first half after rushing twenty yards the ball was on Yale's six-yard line, with but two yards to gain for first down. Marshall dropped back for a drop-kick, but the kick was blocked, although Harvard secured the ball on the 32-yard line. From here the ball was rushed twenty yards, and Harvard was given five yards more for offside play. On the next play Nichols fumbled and another chance to score was lost.


Again in the second half after rushing the ball from Yale's 18-yard line to the 4-yard line. Nichols failed by six inches to score and the ball was Yale's on downs.

The Harvard eleven, both as a team and as individuals, cannot be given too much praise for their aggressive and powerful work in the face of the supposedly far superior team of Yale. Harvard's team proved that from being inferior, it was in many ways superior to Yale, and the failure on the part of the coaches to recognize early in the season the capabilities of the team contributed largely to the defeat. It seemed that the team work of the eleven during the game arose from the exigencies of the situation and the determined spirit of the individual players rather than from coaching in team play.

Of the Yale players, Mitchell was preeminent, both in his kicking and general ability. Rockwell at quarter played an effective game and his dash and certainty in running off plays contributed no little to the team's success. In the line Hogan and Shevlin were the most effective men, but because of the work of their opponents failed to show up as brilliantly as previously. Rora back at centre was aggressive and his work undoubtedly caused the erratic passing of Parkinson. Kinney failed to come up to expectations. All the Yale backs on their secondary defense were noticeably capable.

Of Harvard's players, Derby stands out as the most unexpectedly effective. Playing on the first eleven for only two days before the game, placed up against the most formidable player of Yale's line, and weighing nearly thirty pounds less than his opponent, his showing in the game was most creditable and although Yale's attack was largely directed at wearing him down, it was not until late in the second half that he had to be replaced.

The work of A. Marshall at guard stands out as a noteworthy culmination of a football career. Not only did he take care of his opponent, but he helped Knowlton in disposing of Kinney. Knowlton's work was highly commendable, especially in tandem plays through the line.

Bowditch at right end did all that could be expected of him, which is the highest possible praise. His work justifies his position as first end among football players of the day. That Metcalf made his long run around his end is due to the failure of the secondary defense and to unpenalized holding by Yale, rather than to any fault of his. Parkinson's playing at centre was aggressive and effective, but was shadowed by his lamentably poor passing. LeMoyne at guard, although a Freshman, played a game which would have done credit to an older and more experienced man, and in him the University has a guard who will prove most valuable during the rest of his career. In punting, he failed, however, to come up to expectations, although handicapped by Parkinson's poor passing.

Clothier, pitted against an end of national reputation, showed himself not inferior to Shevlin, and played a game more sportsmanlike than that of his opponent. Captain Marshall at quarterback, played a remarkable game, handling punts reliably, running back the ball spiritedly and carrying the ball for long gains around end. If it had not been for poor judgment, in attempting a drop kick with the ball on Yale's 8-yard line and but two yards to go for first down, and again in calling on LeMoyne to punt from within the 15-yard line after he had clearly been out punted on every occasion, Marshall's playing would have been above criticism. Nichols played for the most part a praiseworthy game, although not as brilliant a one as might have been expected. His dropping of the ball on Yale's 8-yard line and his failure by six inches to make the touchdown for which he was called upon, offset the value of the rest of his work. Schoellkopf's work in carrying the ball and his playing in general calls for high praise. At no time did he fail to respond to any call.

Hurley was a close second to Schoellkopf in general excellence of play and his work in the line, with Derby back, against Hogan showed him to be a defensive back of first quality.

Mills played a dashing game second only to that of Schoelikopf, a game which makes one wish the coaches could have found some place for him other than substitute.

The substitutes who were put in during the latter part of the game, played with a spirit all the more creditable because it was in the face of defeat.

Yale won the toss and chose to defend the south goal and to receive the kick-off.

LeMoyne kicked off to Farmer on the 10-yard line, and the latter brought the ball back fifteen yards. Farmer was sent through the line between right tackle and guard for two yards, but failed to get more than half a yard on a second try and Yale was forced to punt. Mitchell punted the ball out of bounds on Harvard's 35-yard line. On the second play Marshall went around Yale's left end for seventeen yards, bringing the ball to the centre of the field. Schoellkopf gained one yard through the line and then Derby in a close tandem formation went through right guard for three more. The same signal was given for the next play and Derby this time went through for five yards; but Harvard was sent back ten yards for holding, and LeMoyne punted to Yale's 40-yard line. Yale failed to gain and after two plays punted to Marshall, who ran the ball in from the 14 to the 38-yard line. Derby and Schoellkopf, with tandem formation, in five plays carried the ball to Harvard's 53-yard line; but here the team was again penalized for holding, and LeMoyne was sent back to punt. Parkinson passed the ball too high and LeMoyne was downed on Harvard's 37-yard line. Thus all the distance gained in the last five plays was lost. LeMoyne was hurt on this play and Nichols went back for the next punt. Again the pass came too high--he fumbled, regained the ball and ran it back to the 35-yard line. But it was now Yale's ball on downs. After advancing the ball eight yards, Yale was penalized twenty yards for helping, and Mitchell, after failing to gain on a fake kick, punted from the 48-yard line to Nichols on Harvard's 15-yard line. Nichols was downed in his tracks. On the next play Nichols punted out to the 45-yard line, where Metcalf was thrown by Bowditch. After gaining six yards through the line Yale gave the ball to Metcalf, who carried it around Bowditch for thirty-one yards to Harvard's 6-yard line. Farmer plunged through the line for three yards and again for one yard; then Kinney carried the ball across for Yale's first touchdown. Mitchell missed an easy goal. Score--Yale, 5; Harvard, 0.

Shevlin ran LeMoyne's kick-off back twenty-two yards. After several plunges through the line by Farmer, and Mitchell, Metcalf failed to gain around left end. Hogan went through centre for two yards and then Yale punted. Clothier blocked the punt, Mitchell fell on the ball, but Harvard received it on downs on Yale's 26-yard line. Knowlton, Hurley, Schoellkopf and Derby now carried the ball for substantial gains through Yale's tackles and centre until Harvard was on Yale's 5-yard line, with third down and two yards to gain. Marshall dropped back for a try at a goal from the field. The pass came high, the kick was blocked, but Bowditch saved the ball for Harvard by dropping on it on Yale's 31-yard line. On the first play Schoellkopf went through between Knowlton and A. Marshall for three yards, Nichols on a delayed pass went around Rafferty for two more. Derby was pushed through by the tandem for five yards and then Schoellkopf following the tandem carried the ball two yards farther--to Yale's 18-yard line. From here Derby and Schoellkopf gained five more yards and offside play by Yale brought the ball to the 8-yard line. On the next play Nichols was tackled while trying to skirt the end and dropped the ball, Yale gaining it on her own 5-yard line. Mitchell punted to Yale's 26-yard line, and Marshall, catching the ball, ran back eight yards. Two more plays brought the ball to the 14-yard line. On a fake line play, Marshall was thrown for a loss and then went back to the 35-yard line to try again for a goal from the field; but failed to kick it.

Mitchell punted out; Nichols ran the ball back sixteen yards to Harvard's 39-yard line, and on the next play punted to Yale's 38-yard line. Yale was unable to make first down and Marshall ran back Mitchell's punt nine yards. After four yards more around Rafferty, Harvard punted again to Yale's 40-yard line. Metcalf in an end play fumbled the ball and LeMoyne dropped on it. Marshall then on a quarterback run, got clear of the line and gained twenty-five yards, but was brought down by Metcalf. One more yard was gained, and time was called with the ball in Harvard's possession on Yale's 20-yard line. Score--Yale, 5; Harvard, 0.

The second half opened with rapid exchanges of punts, in which Yale had the advantage, until on LeMoyne's attempt to punt from Harvard's 14-yard line, Rafferty blocked the ball and Hogan dropped on it behind Harvard's goal line. Mitchell again missed an easy goal. Yale, 10; Harvard, 0.

LeMoyne's kick-off rolled over Yale's goal line. Mitchell kicked out from the 20-yard line to Marshall on his 53-yard line. Marshall running it in ten yards. After ten yards gain by Harvard, Schoellkopf was hurt and replaced by Mills. LeMoyne punted to Yale's 15-yard line, and Clothier tackled Metcalf before the could move. At this point Yale took Miller out, moving Batchelder into his place, sending Kinney to left guard and filling his place with Bissell. On the next play Mitchell kicked to Nichols who caught the ball on Yale's 44-yard line. On the next play Mills went through Yale's right tackle for thirty yards, but was stopped by Metcalf. He got but one yard on the next play, and then Hurley went through the line for three more to Yale's 13-yard line. Derby and Nichols in two rushes gained three more yards and then Knowlton was given the ball twice and with the tandem behind him placed the ball on Yale's 5-yard line. Hurley and Mills each made but one yard and then with Knowlton in the tandem. Nichols tried to run around Rafferty for a touchdown, but was stopped by Farmer with the goal line only six inches away: Yale's ball on downs.

Yale rushed the ball fifteen yards: Derby was replaced by Squires at left tackle. Yale punted Nichols fumbled, but Marshall dropped on the ball on Yale's 48-yard line. LeMoyne's punt on the next play was blocked and Yale secured the ball on Harvard's 28-yard line. Farmer gained two yards through centre, and then Mitchell went around Clothier for fourteen yards to the 12-yard line. Metcalf gained two yards through the line, and then Hogan was called back and in three rushes made Yale's third touchdown. Mitchell kicked the goal. Score--Yale, 16; Harvard, 0.

Metcalf received the kick-off and was downed on his 25-yard line. Mitchell then gained twenty yards on a fake kick: in the fierce tackle which stopped him. Nichols was hurt and had to be replaced by Goodhue. In this play Yale had held and so was penalized twenty yards, which brought the ball back to her 12-yard line. In a series of fumbles by both sides in which LeMoyne saved the ball twice for Harvard. Harvard finally worked again down to Yale's 15-yard line, but here lost on downs. Yale fumbled on the first play, but regained the ball on the 18-yard line, and was sent back ten yards for holding. Marshall made a fair catch of Yale's punt which followed and got fifteen yards for interference by Shevlin. This gave Le-
