Carl Bertrand Marshall '04, captain and quarterback, prepared at Brookline High School, where he played halfback and quarterback. He played quarterback on his Freshman eleven, and on the University eleven for the past two years. He is 21 years old, 162 pounds in weight and 5 feet 8 1-2 inches in height.
William Jackson Clotheir '04, left end, prepared at Haverford, Pa., where he played three years on the football team and was also on the baseball and track teams. Before coming to Harvard he spent two years at Swarthmore, where he played end on the football team. Under the one year residence rule he was ineligible to play until last year. He is 6 feet 1 1-2 inches tall, weighs 174 pounds, and is 22 years old.
Theodore Gerald Meier 2d '04, left tackle, prepared at Stone's School. He was fullback on his Freshman team and rowed on his class crew. For the last two years he has been substitute fullback on the University team. His age is 21 years, height 6 feet and his weight 192 pounds.
Harry LeMoyne '07, left guard, entered College this year from Stone's School, where he played end on the team for four years. He is 19 years old, weighs 195 pounds, and is 6 feet 1-2 inch in height.
John Parkinson, Jr., '06, centre, prepared at Noble and Greenough's School where he played centre on the school team three years. Last year he played centre on his Freshman eleven. This is his first year on the University team. He is 20 year old, 5 feet 8 1-2 inches tall and weighs 208 pounds.
Andrew Marshall 3L., right guard, prepared at Roxbury Latin School, where he played two years on the football team at guard. He came to Harvard from Dartmouth, where he graduated in 1901, after playing one year in the position of fight guard. Last year he was right guard on the University eleven. He is 24 years old, 6 feet 4 inches in height, and weighs 210 pounds.
Daniel Waldo Knowlton 1G., right tackle, prepared at Pomfret, where he played halfback on the school football team. He was tackle on his Freshman eleven, and substitute tackle on the University eleven in his Sophomore year. Last year he was regular right tackle on the University team. He is 22 years old, 6 feet 1 inch in height, and weighs 197 pounds.
Edward Bowditch 1L., right end, prepared at Groton School. He played end on his Freshman eleven, and as substitute end on the University eleven in his Sophomore year played in both the Yale and Pennsylvania games. For the past two years he has been regular right end on the University team. He is 22 years old, weighs 176 pounds, and is 6 feet 1 inch tall.
John Donaldson Nichols '06, left halfback, prepared at Groton School where he played on the football team two years. Last year he was left halfback and captain of his Freshman eleven and he also played on his class baseball nine. He is 19 years old, 6 feet tall and weighs 176 pounds.
Henry Schoellkopf 2L., fullback, prepared at the Cascadilla School, where he played fullback on the football team. He came to Harvard from Cornell where he graduated in 1902, having played fullback on the team for two years. He was ineligible to play last year under the one year residence rule. He is 23 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, and weighs 183 pounds.
Daniel Joseph Hurley '05, right halfback, prepared at the Boston Latin School where he played on the football team and also rowed on the school crew. He played right halfback on his Freshman team and on the University team last year. He is 21 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 169 pounds.
James Mortimer Montgomery, Jr., '06, right end, prepared at Pomfret, where he played at tackle on the team two years. Last year he was right end on his Freshman eleven. He is 22 years old, is 5 feet 10 inches in height, and weighs 182 pounds.
Philip Overton Mills '05, fullback, prepared at St. Paul's, Concord, where he played tackle on the school team for two years. He was tackle on his Freshman eleven and last year was regular left end on the University eleven. He is 21 years of age, weighs 198 pounds, and is 6 feet in height.
Walter Thacher Harrison '05, fullback, prepared at Thayer Academy where he played on the football team for four years. He was substitute fullback on his Freshman team. Last year he was substitute back on the University eleven and played in the Pennsylvania game. He is 22 years old, weighs 187 pounds and is 5 feet 10 inches tall.
Solon Wilder '05, centre, prepared at Gardiner High School, where he played at centre on the school eleven for three years. He was on his Freshman team and last year played at centre on the University second eleven. He is 20 years old, 6 feet tall and weighs 216 pounds.
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