
Shoot with Pennsylvania Today.

In the annual shoot with the University of Pennsylvania, to be held at Wellington at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon, each man will shoot at fifty birds at unknown angles. A cup will be given to each member of the winning team.

The intercollegiate shoot between Harvard, Princeton, and Pennsylvania will be held tomorrow morning at Wellington. Cups will be given to each of the five men of the winning team, and a cup will be given to the man making the best individual score. The University team has had very little practice and the only men who have shot in an intercollegiate shoot before are Bancroft 2L., Ingalls "04 and Marsalls '04.

The five men who will compose the University team in both shoots are: F. Ingalls '04, P. Bancroft 2L., G. Forbes '04, T. Marsalis '04, W. M. Wright '04. Substitutes, J. Hinckley '06, N. C. Ward sS.

The make-up of the Pennsylvania team will not be known until tomorrow morning.
