Hon. Henry Stedman Nourse, a class-mate of President Eliot in the class of 1853 died suddenly at his home in South Lancastter, Mass., on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Nourse was superintendent and engineer of the Bassemer steel works at Steelton, Pa., from 1866 to 1874; was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1883, of the State Senate in the year 1885-6, and trustee of the Worcester Insane Hospital for ten years until 1898. He had been a member of the State Library Commission, of the State Board of Charities, of the Massachusetts Historical Society and of the American Antiquarian Society of Worcester; of the Lancaster Town Library and Committee, and of the G. A. R. During the Civil War he was adjutant and captain of the 55th Illinois volunteers. He was professor of ancient languages at the Phillips Exeter Academy from 1853 to 1955. As an author he was the writer of many well-known antiquarian works.
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