

Songs and Cheers Rehearsed.--Great Improvement in University's Team Work.

About 1800 students, formed by classes, marched from the Union yesterday to attend open football practice on Soldiers Field. Kanrich's band headed the parade and furnished music for the rehearsal of the songs during the practice. Both the cheering and singing were very spirited.

Owing to the fact that the Stadium stands had not been officially inspected, as required by the State law, it was impossible to use them and consequently the practice had to be held on the old field.

The scrimmage lasted for 20 minutes, the University eleven scoring three times against the second during the period, twice on touchdowns and once on a kick from the field by C. B. Marshall. Both elevens played hard and fast and showed a great deal of fight. The greatest improvement noticeable since the last open practice was in the superior team work of the University eleven, especially on the offense, when the team worked as a unit in helping and pulling along the runner. On the defense the team showed power, and except in a few instances, prevented the second from making consecutive gains for any considerable distance. The play was marred by a number of fumbles by the first eleven, although the ball was almost always recovered without changing hands. Meier's fumble on the second's 2-yard line was picked up by Pell and caused the loss of a touchdown.

LeMoyne's kicking was better yesterday, his first punt for 65 yards being immediately after the University had received the first kick-off. Mahoney fumbled the punt and the University eleven got the ball on the second's 20-yard line and carried it in four rushes to the 2-yard line. There it was lost on a fumble. As the second could not gain, Cruger punted to the second's 32-yard line. Four plays by the University eleven, including one through the line by Schoellkopf for 14 yards, carried the ball over. Knowlton scoring. Marshall kicked the goal.

A few minutes after the kick-off, the second got the ball on a fumble and made good gains for several rushes, but were finally held for downs on the first's 35-yard line. Here LeMoyne punted to the second's 20-yard line. Shortly afterwards the University eleven got the ball and by a long end rush of Nichols and a few mass plays, scored another touchdown, Marshall kicking the goal.


Schoellkopf ran in the next kick-off to the 20-yard line and then LeMoyne punted to the second's 45-yard line. Two fake plays by the second were thrown for losses of 5 and 10 yards and the University eleven took the ball on downs. Standing on the 35-yard line, Marshall barely missed kicking a goal. He, however, made a fair catch of the second's kick-out, and LeMoyne attempted a goal from placement, which just missed going between the posts. The second kicked off from the 25-yard line, and Burgess got the ball after Schoellkopf's fumble. Punts were exchanged, and Kent fumbled LeMoyne's kick on the second's 20-yard line, the first eleven getting the ball. Marshall dropped back to the 28-yard line and drop kicked a goal, just before time was called.

The line-up: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Clothier, Burgess, l.e.  r.e., Lane Meier, l.t.  r.t., Carr LeMoyne, l.g.  r.g., Frost Parkinson, c.  c., Kidder A. Marshall, Carroll, r.g.  l.g., McFadon Knowlton, r.t.  l.t., Pell Montgomery, r.e.  l.e., Blagden C. B. Marshall, q.b.  q.b., Mahoney Nichols, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Kent, Hurd Nesmith, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Cruger, Gring Schoellkopf, f.b.  f.b., Pope
