
Fall Lacrosse Ends Today.

Fall lacrosse practice will end this afternoon with a game between two picked teams on Holmes Field at 3.30 o'clock.

The work this fall has been devoted mainly to training the men in the more elementary points of the game such as catching and passing; little effort has been made to develop team work. There has been an unusually large number of men at work and there is good promise of strong material for next year's team. Practice will begin again in February as soon as the weather permits outdoor play.

Following is the line-up for this afternoon's game: TEAM A.  TEAM B. Dixon, i.h.  i.h., Robinson Goddard, o.h.  o.h., Outerbridge Hirsch, 1a.  1a., Viaux French, 2a.  2a., Strauss Embry, 3a.  3a., Hays Wendel, c.  c., Bennett Schwarz, 3d.  3d., Hersey Whiting, 2d.  2d., Ackerman Schwarzenburg, 1d.  1d., Collingwood Hanavan, c.p.  c.p., Stoddard Bailey, p.  p., de Roody Christensen, g.  g., Atwood
