
Change in Sophomore Nominations.

J. M. Montgomery, Jr., has withdrawn his name from the list of nominations for president of the Sophomore class. The nominations made by the committee now stand as follows:

For president--J. D. Nichols, J. L. White.

For vice-president--R. J. Leonard, A. E. Wood, C. P. Greenough.

For secretary-treasurer--F. A. Goodhue, C. D. Morgan, W. F. Emerson.

Additional nominations may be made by petition signed by fifty members of the class.


The election, by Australian ballot, will be held from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M., on Tuesday, November 17, at a place to be announced later. T. T. WHITNEY.   B. K. STEPHENSON.   D. A. NEWHALL.
