

Exercises Begin at 3 in New Lecture Hall.--German Plays This Evening.

The formal opening of the Germanic Museum, with the official presentation of the German Emperor's gifts, will take place today. The Museum itself will be open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M., but only to guests of the University with admission tickets. At 3 o'clock the opening exercises will take place in the New Lecture Hall. Professor H. C. G. von Jagemann will be the presiding officer, and the speakers will be as follows: Baron von Bussche- Haddenhausen, First Secretary of the German Embassy at Washington, who in the absence of Ambassador Baron von Sternberg, will present Emperor William's gifts; President Eliot, who will accept the gifts in the name of the University; Professor Kuno Francke, who will respond for the Germanic Museum; Hon. Carl Schurz, as president of the Germanic Museum Association; Mr. Edward Robinson, as curator of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts; and Professor William James, on behalf of the Faculty.

Admission to the exercises will be by invitation and seats will be reserved for invited guests until 2.55 P. M. At that time all remaining seats will be open to members of the University, but there will be no admission for the general public.

At the invitation of the President and Fellows, tea will be served at Phillips Brooks House for the guests of the University from 4.30 to 6 o'clock.

An informal dinner will also be given at the Colonial Club at 6.15 o'clock by the President and the German Department, to visiting teachers and a few other guests.

The Union will be open today to the guests of the University.


At 8 o'clock there will be given in Sanders Theatre, through the courtesy of Mr. Heinrich Conried, three German plays by the Irving Place Theatre Company, of New York. A few tickets for the performance still remain and may be had at Sever's bookstore up to 5 o'clock, and after that at the Theatre, at the following prices; floor and first gallery, $2; second gallery, $1.00. Tickets for general admission will be sold at 50 cents at Sanders Theatre after 7.15 o'clock.

The cast for the plays contains the names of Mr. Conried's best actors, and is as follows:

Prologue, to be spoken by Fraulein Hedwig von Ostermann Der Fahrende Schuler in Paradies, by Hans Sachs. Ein Bauer,  Herr Max Hanseler Eine Bauerin,  Herr Gustav von Seyfertitz. Der Schuler,  Herr Matthias Claudius

Die Geschwister, by Goethe. Wilhelm,  Herr Otto Ottbert Fabrice,  Herr Richard Schlaghammer Marianne,  Fraulein Ida Frey Ein Brieftrager,  Herr Hermann Korn

Unter Vier Augen, by Ludwig Fulda. Doktor Felix Volkart,  Her Otto Ottbert Hermine, seine Frau,  Fraulein Hedwig von Ostermann Baron von Berkow,  Herr Guatav von Sayfertity Baumann, Diener,  Herr Max Hanseler Dienstmadchen,  Frauleia Ida Frey
