
Teachers for the Philippines.

The United States Civil Service Commission has sent out the following advertisement for teachers in the Philippine Islands:

"The Civil Service Commission has just received a call from the Philippine Government for 150 male teachers, with salaries as follows: 25 at $1,200; 70 at $1,000, and 55 at $900 per annum. It is desired to secure these teachers without unnecessary delay, and an examination will be held on October 19-20 in various cities.

"Peace has been established in the Philippines and the conditions of living are improving every month. This examination, therefore, affords an excellent opportunity for young men to enter an attractive service which offers excellent opportunities for promotion. Teachers appointed are eligible for promotion to the higher grades in the service, the salaries ranging from $900 to $2,000 for teachers and from $1,500 to $2,500 for division superintendents. The Commission suggests that those who apply for this examination should be devted to their profession and conscientious, energetic, and successful workers.

"For application blanks and further information concerning the scope of the examination, transportation, conditions of employment etc., applicants should apply to the United States Civil Service Commission, Washington, D. C., or to the secretary of the civil service board at any post-office where letter-carrier service has been established.

"Persons who are unable to file their formal applications in order to receive admission cards to the examinations will be authorized to take the examination, if they will notify the Commission by letter or telegram in sufficient time to ship examination papers and arrange for their examination."
