
Fall Track Work Begins Today.

Owing to the rain, the fall track work did not begin yesterday. Today, however, all men who intend to enter the fall track games, or try for the University cross country team should report to Mr. Graham at the Locker Building between 11 and 1 o'clock or between 3 and 5.30 o'clock. Mr. Graham will be at the track every day at those hours with the exception of Saturday afternoons. All mile and two-mile runners should enter the cross country runs, which will be short and easy for the first two or three weeks. The intercollegiate cross country run this year, will be held at Celtic Park, just outside of New York City, probably on November 25. On November 1 a training table will be started for the most promising candidates for the team.

The track this autumn will be 50 yards' short of a quarter mile, on account of the football field having been moved northward 40 feet.

A movement is now on foot to have a second University track team next spring to compete with Exeter. Andover, Worcester Academy, and some of the smaller colleges.
