The opening service of the year in Appleton Chapel last night took the form of a welcome to the new students to the religious life of the University, Reverend Professor E. C. Moore conducted the service, and short addresses were made by Bishop Lawrence, Dr. G. A. Gordon, and Reverend Professor W. W. Fenn.
Bishop Lawrence spoke of the constant process of change in the life of the University. The new students have come here to grow in strength and ability. They should, also contribute to the growth of the University. The spirit of the place is not "you must" but "you may."
The services of the morning chapel are among the great privileges which the University offers. The chapel emphasizes the family life of the University.
Dr. G. A. Gordon made the next address. He said that the legitimate expectations of college life were the delightful membership, the share of knowledge, the method of inquiry into the vast compound life, the privilege of sitting under great teachers, but most of all the realization of a constant and solemn relation to this universe. Christianity is simply the sovereign mood--man at his best. The good name of the University is bound up in the willingness of the new men to perpetuate and enrich and make commanding that service here which makes the sovereign mood.
Reverend Professor Fenn then spoke on the boundless opportunities and possibilities of the new student. To see opportunities as obligations and obligations as opportunities is one of the roads to a happy life.
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Possible Changes in the Debating System.