
Lyon Wins Tennis Singles.

G. A. Lyon, Jr., 3L., won the University tennis championship yesterday afternoon by defeating R. Bishop 3L., 6-3, 6-4, 6-0. The playing of both men was very erratic and careless, as shown by many double faults and netted balls. Lyon clearly outplayed Bishop at the net and in overhead strokes. Bishop failed to take advantage of chances to pass Lyon and very seldom played at the net, being kept back by Lyon's accurate drives past him.

The matches in the doubles yesterday resulted as follows:

Second round--Deming and--Wadsworth defeated Hinckley and King, 6-1, 6-4; Dresser and Miller defeated Sulloway and Tilden, 6-4, 7-5.

Third round--Bishop and Lyon defeated Blossom and Wait, 6-0, 6-5.

The following matches are scheduled for this afternoon:


At 2--Colwell and Perine vs. Larned and Prentice; Dresser and Miller vs. Greenough and Brannan winners to play at 3.30 in one of the semi-finals.

At 2.30--Bramwell and Taft vs. Deming and Wadsworth, winners to play Bishop and Lyon in other half of the semi-finals at 3.30.
