Sir Frederick Pollock will deliver five instead of four lectures, as previously announced, on "The Expansion of the Common Law," in the New Lecture Hall. All the lectures will be at 3 o'clock, with the exception of the one on October 24, which will be at 12 o'clock.
Oct. 20.--The Foundation of Justice.
Oct. 21.--The Scales of Justice.
Oct. 22.--The Sword of Justice.
Oct. 23.--The Law of Reason,
(a). The Law of Nature and of Nations.
Oct. 24.--The Law of Reason,
(b). Natural Justice in the Common Law.
Each lecture will be open to the public, but floor seats will be reserved for students in the Law School holding tickets, up to within five minutes of the time set for the lecture. Each Law student may obtain one ticket by personal application made at the delivery desk in Austin Hall today or Wednesday.
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