

Hard Practice Yesterday.--Tackle Back Formation Used With Good Effect.

The University football team will leave this afternoon for West Point, going by Fall River boat to New York this evening.

Signal practice will be held on Soldiers Field from 2.30 to 3 o'clock.

A special car will leave the Square at 4 o'clock for the Back Bay Station to connect with the 4.46 train for Fall River. The squad will arrive at West Point by tomorrow noon. The following twenty-four men will go: Wilder, Carrick, A. Marshall, Robinson, McFadon, Knowlton, Parkinson, Mercer, Bleakie, Meier, Bowditch, Le Moyne, Clothier, Montgomery, Nichols, Hurley, Nesmith, Randall, Dodge, Schoellkopf, Hanley, Harrison, Marshall, Noyes. Among the more prominent players who will not go are Shea and Mills, who were both on the field yesterday, but are still suffering from bad ankles; and Coburn, who is just recovering from an attack of tonsilitis.

Three touchdowns were made by the University eleven in yesterday's practice. As the opposing team consisted almost entirely of first team substitutes and played with spirit and dash, this showing was encouraging. Only once did the University eleven fail to make its distance. That failure, however, was on the second's 6-yard line, and prevented the University eleven from making another touchdown.

The men did not play well together, although in this regard there was a little improvement upon the work of the last few days. Most encouraging of all was the absence of fumbling. The team showed, as it has not done before, that it could go the length of the field without losing the ball.


For the first time this season, use was made of the tackle-back formation within the 25-yard lines. It proved very successful, both Parkinson and Knowlton hammering the line for substantial gains; in fact, all three touchdowns were made from this formation.

Sugden, center on last year's team, was out in football clothes, and ran several laps around the field, but did not enter the practice. A. Marshall took part in the signal practice. Owing to their injuries, Mills and Shea were unable to go into the scrimmage. The line-up: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Le Moyne, l.e.  r.e., Montgomery Parkinson, l.t.  r.t., Lehmann, Meier Robinson, McFadon, l.g.  r.g., Pell Wilder, c.  c., Carrick Bleakie, r.g.  l.g., McFadon, Mason Knowlton, r.t.  l.t., Mercer Bowditch, Clothier, r.e.  l.e., Clothier, Pruyn Marshall, q.b.  q.b., Noyes Randall, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Means Nesmith, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Dodge Hanley, Harrison, f.b.  f.b., Harrison, Sperry

The Deutscher Verein will continue, its practice this year of giving short plays once a month. The first short play will be given on October 28.
