Below is given the schedule of the intercollegiate basketball association for the coming year. On account of the addition of Pennsylvania to the league, the season will be about a month longer than heretofore. The first game in Cambridge will be played against the University of Pennsylvania on January 8.
Dec. 21.--Harvard vs. Cornell, at Ithaca.
Jan. 8.--Harvard vs. Pennsylvania, at Cambridge.
Jan. 15.--Cornell vs. Yale, at Ithaca.
Jan. 15.--Harvard vs. Columbia, at New York.
Jan. 16.--Princeton vs. Pennsylvania, at Princeton.
Jan. 18.--Cornell vs. Columbia, at Ithaca.
Jan. 22.--Yale vs. Princeton, at New Haven.
Jan. 23.--Harvard vs. Princeton, at Cambridge.
Jan. 29.--Yale vs. Pennsylvania, at New Haven.
Feb. 8.--Pennsylvania vs. Columbia, at New York.
Feb. 8.--Yale vs. Columbia, at New Haven.
Feb. 12.--Harvard vs. Columbia, at Cambridge.
Feb. 12.--Pennsylvania vs. Yale, at Philadelphia.
Feb. 12.--Cornell vs. Princeton, at Ithaca.
Feb. 18.--Pennsylvania vs. Cornell, at Philadelphia.
Feb. 19.--Harvard vs. Princeton, at Princeton.
Feb. 19.--Yale vs. Columbia, at New York.
Feb. 20.--Harvard vs. Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia.
Feb. 22.--Princeton vs. Yale, at Princeton.
Feb. 26.--Yale vs. Cornell, at New Haven.
Feb. 27.--Princeton vs. Columbia, at Princeton.
Feb. 27.--Harvard vs. Cornell, at Cambridge.
Mar. 1.--Pennsylvania vs. Columbia, at Philadelphia.
Mar. 4.--Princeton vs. Columbia, at New York.
Mar. 4.--Cornell vs. Pennsylvania, at Ithaca.
Mar. 5.--Harvard vs. Yale, at Cambridge.
Mar. 10.--Princeton vs. Cornell, at Princeton.
Mar. 11.--Cornell vs. Columbia, at New York.
Mar. 11.--Harvard vs. Yale, at New Haven.
Mar. 12.--Pennsylvania vs. Princeton, at Philadelphia.
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