

Delightful Musical Feature of Former Years to be Revived.

It is proposed to resume the Chamber Concerts in the Fogg Art Museum which have been given with such acceptance in recent years. For the current season a series of five concerts on Monday evenings has been planned, for three of which the services of the Kneisel Quartette has been engaged. Subscriptions are invited for the series of five concerts at the rate of $5.00 for each season ticket, with the understanding that if the total number of subscriptions should prove insufficient to pay for five concerts, but sufficient to pay for the three Kneisel Quartette concerts, the subscriptions should be valid. The proposed additional concerts would be given by the Adamowski Quartette and other musicians of high merit.

Season tickets at $5.00 each and single tickets at $1.25 will be on sale at Sever's bookstore after October 21. Members of the University intending to purchase season tickets are requested to subscribe in advance by sending their names to Mrs. C. H. Toy, 7 Lowell St., Cambridge, on or before October 17.

The members of the Kneisel Quartette have recently severed their connection with the Boston Symphony Orchestra for the purpose of devoting themselves exclusively to chamber music. The other musical organizations whose services will be available for the Chamber Concerts will include some of the best players of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.

The concerts will be under the management of the following committee: Mrs. Charles W. Eliot, Mrs. Alexander McKenzie, Mrs. Crawford H. Toy, Miss Hopkinson, Professor J. K. Paine, Mr. Warren A. Locke and Professor W. R. Spalding.
