
Possible Changes in the Debating System.

The University Debating Club will meet this evening to decide upon plans for the ensuing year. During the summer circular letters have been addressed to all the ex-University debaters, soliciting suggestions as to how the present system may be improved upon and this branch of College activity put on a more generally desirable footing. Some of the suggestions thus received have involved radical departures from the present organization, as, for instance: the abolition of the three upper class clubs; changing the University Debating Club from its present status as a merely administrative body to an actual debating club; the transference of the administrative work now done by the University Club to a Debating Committee, constituted after the manner of the Athletic Committee; the annual appointment of a debating manager with two assistants.

If a new policy is to be adopted, the club feels that there could be no more favorable occasion than at present, when the special interest and enthusiasm inspired by the success of the Yale debate will assure to it the necessary initial impetus.
