
Intercollegiate Basketball Meeting.

The annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Basketball Association was held Saturday night at the Imperial Hotel in New York, delegates being present from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Pennsylvania, Princeton, and Cornell. The following officers were elected for the next year: President, H. A. Fisher, Columbia; vice-president, F. C. Pitcher, Cornell; treasurer, R. A. Wood, Harvard; secretary, H. G. Bowyer, Princeton.

By a unanimous vote of the Association, Pennsylvania was admitted to membership. This addition makes a total of six teams in the league and necessitates a longer schedule than before. On this account the first games this year will be played before the Christmas vacation, instead of in January as heretofore, and the schedules will be so heavy that it will be impossible for teams in the Association to play many outside games.

It was voted that the manager of each team in the Association should send in the names of two men to act as referees, one of whom shall officiate in every home game. A committee consisting of the president of the Association, R. A. Wood '03, and R. S. Birckhard of Yale, was appointed to confer with the American Amateur Athletic Union in regard to the relations between the two bodies.
