
Institute of 1770.

The sixth ten of the Institute of 1770 from the class of 1905 was taken out last night in the following order:

1. W. M. Tilden, Madison, N. J.

2. W. M. Bunting, Jr., Boston.

3. A. St. V. Carpenter, Col. Springs, Colo.

4. T. L. Shaw, Wellesley.


5. W. S. McCartney, Overbrook, Pa.

6. N. Wigglesworth, Milton.

7. B. S. Prentice, New York.

8. D. Wagstaff, New York.

9. G. S. Jackson, Boston.

10. F. T. Colby, Boston.

Honoraries.--W. O'D. Iselin '05, New York, W. A. Schick, Jr., '05, Holyoke.
