
Convention of Graduates Clubs.

The eighth annual convention of the Federation of Graduate Clubs of America was held at Columbia University on Friday and Saturday, December 26 and 27. Representatives were present from Harvard, Yale, Columbia, New York University, Barnard, Radcliffe, University of The South, Amherst, University of Georgia, University of Missouri, University of Wisconsin, University of Pennsylvania, Columbian University, Johns Hopkins, Princeton, University of Texas, University of Chicago, Teachers College, and University of Berlin. The sessions of the convention were taken up with the reading of papers followed by a general discussion by the delegates in attendance. Miss Henrietta E. McIntyre of Radcliffe College led a discussion relative to the publication of a handbook by the Federation. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, H. B. Wright, Yale; first vice-president, Mr. Young, Cornell; second vice-president. F. W. Carpenter 3G., Harvard; third vice-president, Miss Hussey, University of Pennsylvania; corresponding secretary. F. A. Cummings, Columbia; recording secretary, Miss Martha T. Fiske, Radcliffe; treasurer, Mr. Hamilton, Columbian University.

The Chess Club team will tonight play the Lynn Chess Club in Boston.
