
Results of Lacrosse Meeting.

The Interuniversity Lacrosse League, composed of Harvard, Cornell, Columbia and Pennsylvania, held its annual meeting in New York on December 29 and elected the following officers for 1903: President, C. C. Miller, Columbia '91; vice-president, W. S. Finlay, Cornell '04; secretary, W. S. Sugden '03; treasurer, J. A. Freeland, Pennsylvania '03.

The championship cup for 1902 was formally awarded to Cornell, whose team won all its matches in the championship series last season, Harvard being second, Pennsylvania third, and Columbia fourth.

Rule IX of the playing regulations was amended to allow the substitution of another player for one withdrawn from the game. The original rule provided that when a player was, for any reason, withdrawn from the game, a player from the opposite team should also be taken out in order to equalize the number on each side, no substitution being permitted.
