

Intercollegiate Game in New York.--Close Game Expected.

The University hockey team will play Columbia in the St. Nicholas Rink, New York, this evening at 8 o'clock, in Harvard's second game of the intercollegiate series. On January 15, Columbia was defeated by Yale 6 to 4 in a very closely contested game. Since that time, the teamwork and the scoring ability of the team have greatly improved, so that a very much stronger team will meet Harvard tonight than was defeated by Yale.

Although the practice of the University team has been very unsatisfactory of late, the men have at times played with a dash and aggressiveness that showed of what they were capable. Last night the team had short practice in the St. Nicholas Rink.

The line-up: HARVARD.  COLUMBIA. MacLeod, f.  f., Akin Lovering, f.  f., W. Duden Souther, f.  f., Hecker Foster, f.  f., Wolff Clothier, c.p.  c.p., H. Duden Carr, p.  p., Benedict Litchfield, g.  g., VonBernuth
