

Game at Amherst Tonight. -- Practice Shows Slight Improvement.

The University basketball team will play Amherst this evening at Amherst. It is rather difficult to forecast the outcome of the game on account of the fact that the two teams have played no games from which it is possible to judge of their comparative ability. If the University team plays the game of which it has at times showed itself capable, it should have no difficulty in winning. The regular men will go into the game tonight and with Linehan at centre and Smith playing forward again, the playing of the New York trip should be materially improved. Since the return from the trip, however, the men have fallen short of the fast game developed previous to the Cornell game, and to win tonight it will be necessary for them to play a faster game than has been played by the team in the practice of the last two nights.

Following is the probable line-up for tonight's game: HARVARD.  AMHERST. Smith, r.f.  l.g., Crawford Henderson, l.f.  r.g., Brewster Linehan, c.  c., Favour Hanavan, r.g.  l.f., Roe Fosdick, l.g.  r.f., Bailey

The practice of the University basketball squad last night showed some improvement over that of Monday night, but the play was still slow and no efficient teamwork was developed. In a fifteen-minute game with the second team the first team succeeded in scoring five goals to one of the second, but the teamwork was ragged and the goal shooting inaccurate, several fair chances being missed entirely. On the other hand, Smith succeeded in dropping one very pretty throw from near the centre of the floor and Hanavan aided materially in the scoring and forwarding the ball when in the second's territory.

The line-up was as follows: FIRST TEAM.  SECOND TEAM. Smith, r.f.  l.g., Humphries Henderson, l.f.  r.g., Snyder Linehan, c.  c., Fisher Hanavan, r.g.  l.f., Bennett Bigelow, l.g.  r.f., Dapping
