

Hampton Institute Quartette to Sing. Addresses by Two Graduates.

A quartette of students from the Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia, will give a concert consisting of negro plantation songs in the Living Room of the Union at 7.15 o'clock this evening. In addition to the concert addresses will be made by Mr. T. B. Williams and Mr. Jacob Morgan, both of whom are graduates of Hampton. Mr. Williams is one of the agents of the Southern Education Board, and will speak of the work which is being done in the South by graduates of the Institute. Mr. Morgan is a Navajo Indian and will give a description of life among the Indians.

Hampton Institute was founded by General S. C. Armstrong shortly after the Civil War for the purpose of providing a means of education for the negroes and Indians of the South and Middle West. Its graduates now number about eleven hundred men and women, one of the most noted of whom is Mr. Booker T. Washington, president of the Tuskegee School at Tuskegee, Alabama.
