

Thirty-five Candidates.--Practice to Begin Friday.

Thirty-five men handed in their names as candidates for the water polo, diving, and relay swimming teams at the meeting held in the Committee Room of the Union last evening. Practice will begin on Friday evening at the Craigie tank, which has been engaged for the purpose. For the present the work will consist of light practice in the tank on Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings. After the mid-year period the class teams will be formed and class contests will take place in the Dunster tank as soon as the men have had sufficient training. Members of last year's University teams are ineligible for the class teams.

The University team will compete with Yale, the Boston Athletic Association and the Brookline swimming team. The dates have not yet been arranged.

All candidates for the teams are allowed to use the Craigie tank for practice. The Brookline tank also may be used. The hours at which it is open are as follows: Monday afternoon, Tuesday evening, Wednesday afternoon and evening, Thursday evening, all day Friday and Saturday morning and evening. All candidates who have not yet done so should at once hand in their names to C. G. Dodge, Weld 38.
