
Semitic Museum Dedication.

At the dedication of the Semitic Museum, which will take place on Thursday, February 5, addresses will be made by President Eliot, Mr. J. H. Schiff, the donor of the Museum building, and Professor D. S. Lyon, curator of the Museum. It is probable that Professor C. E. Norton and Dr. Cyrus Adler of Washington, will also speak. The Museum will be opened to the public for the first time on Friday, February 6, and will be open every day thereafter, Sundays and holidays excepted, from 9 to 5.

The entire Semitic collection has now been moved into the new building from the Peabody Museum and will be ready for the dedication exercises by the beginning of next week. In addition to the collections which were formerly exhibited in the Peabody Museum the Semitic Museum has recently acquired an interesting collection of Palestinian glassware and elaborate jewelry of silver and precious stones which have never before been on exhibition.
