
Listless Hockey Practice.

The practice of the University hockey team yesterday was of the most unsatisfactory nature. Coupled with a conspicuous lack of team play, was a most discouraging listlessness and absence of fight. As there were only twelve men on the ice, no regular game was played. The work consisted entirely of opposing the first team forwards to the scrub team, which was strengthened by the University backs. Besides allowing the scrub team to score repeatedly, the University forwards were unable to get even within striking distance of their opponents' goal, except once when they made their only score. The passing was slow and easily intercepted, while the few attempts at shooting that were made were low and inaccurate.

The work of Carr at point was perhaps the most encouraging feature of the practice, while Clothier and Kernan showed dash and spirit that compared favorably with the general listlessness. Litchfield at goal, although not severely put to the test, was very nervous, and uncertain in his blocking.
