

Harvard Defeated by the Score of 23 to 9 in a Hard Game.

ITHACA, N. Y., Jan. 23.--The Harvard basketball team lost to Cornell tonight by the score of 23 to 9. The playing was hard and the contest closer than the score would indicate. The Harvard players were clearly tired after the hard trip; the floor was strange to them and the back-boards difficult to use without practice.

Cornell's team work was exceptionally fast and many difficult throws were made from the middle of the floor. An audience of 800 people watched the game. The summary: HARVARD.  CORNELL. Hanavan, r.g.  r.g., Lyford Fosdick, l.g.  l.g., Townsend Smith, c.  c., Wadsworth Gilles, Henderson, r.f.  r.f., Hermes Bigelow, l.f.  l.f., Knapp

Score--Cornell, 23; Harvard, 9. Referee -- S. S. Smith. Umpire -- Finch. Timekeepers--Brewster of Cornell and Wood of Harvard. Time--Twenty minute balves.

The team will play the Washington Continental A. A. at Schenectady tonight and after the game will return to Cambridge. Following will be the line-up: HARVARD. WASHINGTON CONTINENTALS. Hanavan, r.g.  f., Tilden Fosdick, l.g.  f., Christian Smith, c.  c., Lennon Gilles, r.f.  g., Williams Bigelow, Henderson, l.f.  g., Yales
