
Co-operative Meeting.

At a meeting yesterday afternoon of the Associates of the Co-operative Society, consisting of the stockholders, directors, and officers, the formal transfer of the Society was made from the old to the new form of organization and it was decided to incorporate the Society for $45,000. This decision was reached in accordance with the results of the recent stock-taking in the Society stores. The final incorporation by taking out a state charter will be effected within the next week.

The Society is now under the control of the Board of Five Stockholders and the Board of Directors elected by members of the Society at the annual meeting held in December. In addition to granting the president a salary of three hundred dollars per year and the treasurer a salary of five hundred dollars per year the Stockholders have decided upon the following compensation for the secretary and other members of the Board of Directors: secretary, one hundred dollars per year; members of the Board of Directors, two dollars for each meeting attended.
