
The Engineering Journal.

The January number of the Engineering Journal, which has just been issued, contains five articles, all of them of chiefly technical interest. The first article, on "The Wachusett Dam" of the Metropolitan Water System, by Mr. C. W. Smith, who has had immediate charge at the dam, is reprinted from a lecture before the Civil Engineering Club. Messrs. Densmore and LeClear, the engineers who designed the heating and ventilating system, electric wiring, and plumbing of Robinson Hall contribute an interesting, illustrated account of the somewhat unusual features of the heating and ventilating system in that building. Professor C. A. Adams continues his article on "Armature Drop and Regulation of Alternators," from the November issue. "Screw Propellers," by E. B. Edwards '98, S.B. '00, and "The Value of Methods of Approximation," by V. R. Worcester '82, are the two remaining articles of the number.
