The Athletic Association of Harvard Graduates has recently arranged to present the members of last year's baseball team with watch charms in the form of miniature gold baseballs. The presentation will take place at the regular Tuesday evening entertainment at the Union on February 10. Several informal speeches will be made by former prominent baseball players of the University, and a concert will be given by former and present members of the University Glee Club. The following men will receive baseballs: B. Wendell, Jr., '02, A. V. Galbraith '99, W. Clarkson '03, A. Stillman '03, L. J. Daly '03, S. H. Skilton '04, G. P. Milne '01, P. Carr '04, W. C. Matthews '05, C. W. Randall '05, C. Frothingham, Jr., '02, E. E. Coolidge 3L., J. McMaster.
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