The scholarship of the Class 1867, with an income of $150, will be awarded shortly after the beginning of the second half-year to one College Freshman meriting it, and in need of assistance. Preference will be given to sons of members of the College Class of 1867.
One Crowninshield Scholarship with an income of $225, will also be awarded to a College Freshman. The Crowninshield Scholarships when vacant, are assigned by the Corporation, after public notice, to Freshmen, who shall hold them during their whole undergraduate course, subject to removal by the Corporation at any time.
Freshmen who have applied this academic year for the second assignment of Price Greenleaf Aid, will be considered without further action on their part candidates for these scholarships. All other Freshmen wishing to become candidates must apply on forms which may be obtained at the office of the Secretary of the Faculty, University 5. Their applications, accompanied by the necessary certificates from parents or guardians, must be left with the Secretary before February 7, 1908.
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