

Officers Elected and Rules Governing Future Elections Adopted.

At a meeting of the Freshman Class held last evening the following officers were elected for the year: President, J. M. Montgomery, Jr., of Englewood, N. J., Pomfret School; vice-president, R. J. Leonard of West Newton, Newton High School; secretary and treasurer, F. A. Goodhue, Jr., of Andover, Phillips Andover Academy.

The following rules to govern the election of class officers throughout the four years were adopted by acclamation.

1. There shall be three officers, president, vice-president and secretary. They shall be elected in Freshman year within two weeks after the Christmas recess, in other years in November by a method explained below.

2. At the Freshman election there shall be no restriction to the number of nominations, which shall be made informally at the meeting.

3. In other years the president then in office shall call a meeting in the first week of November for the purpose of electing a nominating committee of ten. At this meeting there shall be three ballots: on the first the twenty-five men receiving the highest number of votes shall be retained and voted upon in a second ballot. On the second ballot the fifteen highest shall be retained and voted upon for the third ballot to determine the final ten.


4. The committee so elected shall nominate within one week at least two candidates for each office, announcing their nominations publicly. One week later the class shall vote by Australian ballot in an all-day election.

5. There shall be no restriction on this nominating committee as it may nominate any members of the class it wishes.

6. Additional nominations may be made by petition of fifty members of the class.

It was also voted that the President appoint a committee of five, of which he should be chairman ex officio, and R. Derby '03 an honorary member, to consider the advisability of adopting a class constitution, and to make public a report of its findings at least one week before the next meeting of the class.
