

University Team Plays its First Intercollegiate Game at 8.

The University basketball team will play Princeton in Hemenway Gymnasium at 8 o'clock this evening in the first game to be played by Harvard in the intercollegiate series.

Princeton, although beaten by Yale last night by the score of 30 to 9 has a strong team, and will probably make the game tonight a very close one, though the chances are likely to favor Harvard slightly.

The most encouraging feature in the play of the Harvard team is the spirit of fight with which every man goes into the game. It was largely this which won the game with Holy Cross on Wednesday. A fairly fast and consistent team play has been developed and this, added to effective body-checking of the opposing team, serves well to keep the ball in the opponents' territory. The two most noticeable faults of the team are the fumbling on fast passes and a tendency on the part of the forwards to attempt goals when running and before securing a balanced position.

Following is the line-up: HARVARD.  PRINCETON. Hanavan, r.g.  r.g., McCoy. Fosdick, l.g.  l.g., Vanderbilt. Linchan, c.  c., Bard. K. Smith, r.f.  r.f., Wrightson. Story, l.f.  l.f., Carter.
