
Musical Clubs Elections.

At the last meeting of the Musical Clubs, R. G. Fuller '04 was elected manager for the coming year.

The Banjo Club elected the following officers: President, E. P. Rowe '04; secretary. F. B. Ely '04; leader, P. H. Allen '04. The following men were elected members of the club: C. Dill '04, W. M. Bertolet '04, I. T. Cutter '03.

The Mandolin Club elected officers as follows: President, J. W. Tuckerman '04; secretary, F. G. Macomber '04; leader, P. H. Allen, '04. W. Kittredge '03, H. N. Straus '03, H. W. L. Dana '03 and M. Bolles '04 were elected members of the club.
