
Fact and Rumor.

H. G. Dillingham has been elected captain of the Junior Weld crew.

W. H. L. Bell '04 was yesterday elected a regular editor of the Monthly.

W. C. Richmond was yesterday elected captain of the Weld Sophomore crew.

W. A. Quigley, Jr., has been elected captain of the Freshman basketball team.

The Chess Club lost its match with the Boston Chess Club last night by the score of 5-1, Estes and McClure of the Harvard team obtaining draws.


At the last meeting of the Advocate T. N. Metcalf '04, and F. L. Collins '04, were elected regular editors, and H. De H. Hughes '04, and assistant business manager.

The new board running track on Holmes Field for the use of the track team squad has been completed. It is modelled closely on that of the B. A. A., and is the best that the University has ever had.

The Freshman basketball team will play a game with the Volkmann School team at the latter's gymnasium, 415 Newbury street, Boston, at 8 o'clock this evening.
