The fifth annual intercollegiate conference on questions of athletic interest was held at the Union on Saturday morning. Those present were: Dean Meiklejohn and Professor Langdon from Brown; Professor Kirchwey from Columbia; Professor L. M. Dennis from Cornell; Mr. Geyelin from Pennsylvania; Professor Fine from Princeton; and Professor Hollis, Professor White, Professor Coolidge, E. Bowditch, Jr., '03, R. Ernst '03, and E. B. Krumbhaar '04, representing the Athletic Committee. Professor Kemp of Columbia and Mr. G. S. Patterson from Pennsylvania, were unable to be present. After the meeting, luncheon was served in the Union, at which President Eliot was also present.
The main point of discussion was the wording of the rule on professionalism. It was the decision of the conference that a more general rule would be preferable, so as to give more latitude of administration to the responsible athletic committees of the various universities represented. A sub-committee consisting of Professors Hollis, Dennis and Fine, was appointed to frame a rule, to be submitted to the various delegations as soon as possible. The question of the restriction of eligibility to undergraduates was merely touched on and no definite action taken.
The next meeting will probably be held at Ithaca on Decoration Day, the date of Cornell's annual spring regatta.
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