The first of the matches for the interclass shooting championship will be held this afternoon at 2.45 at the new club house of the Gun Club between the 1905 and 1906 teams. The class teams consist of four men, each of whom will shoot at fifty birds thrown from a magaur trap, the match going to that team whose individual scores make the greatest aggregate. Silver cups have been provided for the members of the team winning the championship.
On Thursday afternoon 1903 will meet 1904, and on next Monday the winners of the two matches will begin a series of shoots for the championship. The championship will go to the team winning two of the three shoots.
The 1906 team will not be chosen until just previous to the shoot this afternoon. Following is the 1905 team: G. Brooks (captain), A. Hemenway, M. C. Ward, F. W. Cloud.
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