
Intercollegiate Golf Tournament.

The intercollegiate golf tournament for the present college year will be held at the Morris County Golf Club, Morristown, N. J., beginnning October 21. It was found advisable to change the date of the tournaments to the fall on account of the difficulty both in training for a spring tournament and in arranging a date in the spring which would not conflict with any of the final examinations. The last tournament held in the fall was at Garden City in 1900.

Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, and Pennsylvania will compete in the tournament. The team matches will be played October 21 and 22, and the individual championship tournament on the 23, 24, and 25. Of last year's team there remain in college Brown, Murdock, H. C. Egan, W. E. Egan, and Proal. Hollins, first man on the 1901 winning team, will also be able to compete; and Harvard should have a strong team.
