

Seven New Candidates Out. -- Backs Fairly Strong, But Line Weak.

In response to the appeal for more candidates for the football team, seven new men joined the squad yesterday and more are expected within the next few days. The squad now numbers ninety-three. In order to facilitate the progress of the team there will be a cut probably on Monday.

Practice was not started until late yesterday and consequently only the first eleven had time for tackling the dummy. The whole squad was then instructed in kicking and catching punts. Meier, Hutchinson, Leatherbee, Harrison and Kernan did the punting and were coached by S. G. Ellis '01, F. D. Cochrane '99, and P. D. Haughton '99. Other coaches besides Farley were Brown '98, Waters '94, Lewis '95 and Upton '93.

In the regular line-up between the first and second elevens the only encouraging feature was the individual work of the backs. The line as usual failed to hold and frequent gaps were made in it. Two halves were played with practically different teams on both sides and in each half touchdowns were avoided only by determined stands within five yards of the goal. No end plays were tried and all the ground-gaining was the result of plunges through tackle and guard.

After the kick-off to the second eleven, the first team regained possession of the ball on a fumble on the twenty-five yard line. Tackle plays by Leatherbee, Lindsay and Harrison brought the ball to the five yard line where the second team got the ball on downs and Hodges punted well out of danger nearly to the centre of the field. In the second half the tables were turned when the second eleven, principally owing to Hurley's long runs, rushed the length of the field and was then held for downs almost on the goal line. The line-ups were: FIRST ELEVEN.  SECOND ELEVEN. Burgess, Littig, l.e.  r.e., Crocker, Mook Wright, O'Connell, l.t.  r.t., Dodge, Frantz Hovey, Bleakie, l.g.  r.g., Lehmann, H. Bowditch King, Force, c.  c., Bleakie, Carrick Wilder, Hovey, r.g.  l.g., H. Bowditch, Lehmann Knowlton, Mills, r.t.  l.t., Oveson, Coburn Motley, Percival, r.e.  l.e., Jones Marshall, Daly, q.b.  q.b., Parker, Noyes Lindsay, Knowles, l.h.b.  r.h.b., Foster Leatherbee, Tenney, r.h.b.  l.h.b., Hodges, Hurley W. T. Harrison, Piper, f.b.  f.b., Sard, lves
