
The Northfield Conference.

This year's Northfield Conference--held at Northfield, Mass., from June 26 to July 5--was, in point of size and enthusiasm, the most successful ever held. These annual gatherings at Northfield are attended by New England students who have a purpose to study the best method of developing philanthropic and religious interest among students of colleges.

There were 113 colleges representd this summer in delegations ranging as high as 125. Harvard sent 75 delegates, mor than treble the number ever sent before.

The ten days of the conference were mainly divided between religious meetings in the mornings and evenings, and in the afternoon athletic games of several sorts. At eleven o'clock in the morning as well as at eight in the evening there were platform addresses by such prominent speakers as Dr. Kellman, of Edinburgh, Dr. Campbell Morgan, R. E. Spear, Ralph Connor and John R. Mott. There were also addresses in th evening by representatives of various professions who pointed out the opportunities for Christian service in other walks of life than in the ministry.

As the conference numbered among its attendance some of the most prominent athletes of the New England colleges and universities, the games and tournaments which took place were of unusual excellence. There was a closely contested baseball series, lasting during the greater part of the ten days, which was finally won by Yale. Columbia won the track meet. There were also several interesting tennis tournaments. The outdoor life of the conference was closed by a gigantic bonfire around which the representatives of Harvard, Yale and Princeton marched in various formations.

Among the men to attend the conference were the following: W. Bradley '03, E. C. Carter 2G., F. H. Fobes '04, A. Forbes '04, O. G. Frantz '03. S. Greely, '02, S. N. Hinckley '05 A. S. Johnson '85, W. Lawrence '01, E. C. Leaycraft 2L., Rev. A. Lawrence '75, M. T. Lightner '03, P. W. Long '98, E. F. Mann 65, R. Oveson '05, A. B. Larson '03, E. R. Perry 3L, W. C. Phillips '02, J. Rowley '02, R. S. Wallace '04, O. F. Cutts 3L.
