

Best Method for Supporting it Undecided.--Dr. Bailey in Charge.

The Stillman Infirmary will open tomorrow, and hereafter any student taken ill may go to the infirmary and have the use of all its privileges.

The infirmary will be run on the same lines as other private hospitals, each patient being entitled to choose his own physician. At present it is doubtful how the patients' fees will be arranged. One there are many ways suggested. One idea is that students may, by paying a certain sum, insure themselves for being sick during the year. By doing this a student, whenever taken ill, would have the use of the infirmary, medicines and nursing included, free of charge. If a man, however, did not insure himself, he would still have the use of the infirmary, only he would have to pay a larger price than he would have had to pay if he had been insured.

Another scheme is to have the institution run like a large city hospital, each man paying as much as he can afford. The objection in this case is, however, that there is lacking an endowment fund, which is much needed for the success of this plan. At present the infirmary is being run at the expense of the College.

The following men will act as members of the Overseers' committee of the Stillman Infirmary: Dr. C. J. Blake, chairman, Dr. D. W. Cheever, Dr. G. B. Shattuck, Dr. M. Wyman, Mr. P. B. Howard.

Miss Esther Dart, a graduate of the Massachusetts General Hospital, will be the matron, and she will be assisted by a head nurse and assistant nurses. The direct supervision is now in the hands of Dr. M. H. Bailey.


During the summer an operating table and new surgical instruments were added to the operating room.
