The University nine finished the season of 1902 by winning the last two games of the Yale series by scores of 10 to 4 and 6 to 5, after losing the first game 2 to 7.
Harvard lost the first game at Cambridge on June 20, through inability to hit the ball, making only five hits against Yale's seven, nearly all of which were timely. Harvard's five errors were also very costly. Stillman held Yale down to two hits up to the seventh inning when he weakened and let in six runs. Garvan pitched very effectively for Yale, and was given excellent support in the field.
The score: Earned run -- Yale 1. Three-base hit--Chittenden. Two-base hit -- Randall. Cote, Sacrifice hits.--Coolidge (2). Double plays--Stillman to Randall; Coolidge, unassisted. Stolen base, Carr. Bases on balls--By Stillman: Metcalf (3), Wear, Guernsey, Miller; by Garvan: Wendell (2), Coolidge. Hit by pitched balls--By Stillman; Metcalf, Miller, Struck out--By Stillman; Guernsey, Cote; by Clarkson; Cote; by Garvan; Kernan (2). Time--2h. 25m. Umpire--Lynch. Harvard defeated Yale in the second game of the series, which took place on the Yale Field, New Haven, on June 24. Harvard showed superiority in every department of the game, especially in batting. Clarkson pitched a strong, steady game, and showed brilliant hitting ability. Garvan was out of form and was batted out of the box, McKelvey taking his place at the opening of the eighth inning. The score: Earned runs -- Harvard 4. Home runs -- Stillman and Miller. Three-base hits -- Clarkson (2). Two-base hit -- Clarkson. Stolen bases--Wear, Wendell (2), Skilton, Carr. Sacrifice hit--Barnwell. Double plays -- Coolidge and Randall; Metcalf, Miller and Chittenden. Bases on balls--by Clarkson. 2; by Garvan, 2; by McKelvey, 1. Struck out -- By Clarkson, 6; by Garvan 1; by McKelvey 1. Passed balls Milne, Winslow. Wild pitches -- Garvan 2. Time--2h. 30m. Umpire--Lynch. The third game, in New York, on June 28, was very close and exciting, and the victory was undecided until after two men were out in the last half of the ninth inning, when Matthews scored Harvard's sixth run. The pitchers were in fine form, though Clarkson was the better of the two; but received poor support at times, as is shown by the number of errors made. After the game, W. Clarkson '03 was elected captain for 1903; and B. Wendell, Jr., '02, captain of the team, has since been appointed head coach. The score: Two-base hits -- Stillman, Guernsey, Miller. Stolen bases--Randall, Metcalf, Wear. Sacrifice hits--Carr, Skilton. Bases on balls--by Clarkson, Wear; by Garvan, Coolidge, Randall 3, Stillman, Struck out -- By Clarkson, Metcalf, Wear 2, Cote 2, Winslow, Guernsey, Miller 2, Chittenden, Garvan 2; by Garvan, Clarkson 2, Skilton. Double play--Winslow and Guernsey. Passed ball--Milne. Wild pitch--Clarkson. Hit by pitched ball--By Garvan, Randall. Time--2h. 22m. Um-pire--Lynch. *Two men out when winning run made.
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