
Final Examinations.

Examinations begin at 9.15 a. m., except those specially announced below for 2.30 p. m. Examinations must not extend beyond three hours.

Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever."

"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination, shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Examinations Today. Greek 9,  Sever 30 Class. Phil. 55,  Sever 30 English 1,  Sever 30 English 33,  Sever 35 Architecture 3a,  Robinson Hall Architecture 3b,  Robinson Hall Architecture 3c,  Robinson Hall Music 2,  Holden Mathematics 29,  Holden Engineering 11a,  Geol. Lect. Rm. Physics 6,  Holden Chemistry 5,  Sever 18 Geology 8,  Sever 6 Geology 22,  Geol. Mus. top fl. Mining 4,  Rotch Bldg. English 43,  Univ. 19 and 20 German D: Assignment of rooms (German D). Dr. Skinner's Section,  Sever 17 Mr. Reed's section,  Sever 29 Mr. Demeter's section,  Sever 30 French 1c: Assignment of rooms (French 1c). Adams to Heard (inclusive),  Sever 23 Hersey to Young,  Sever 24 History 1: Assignment of rooms (History 1). Abbot to Hale (inclusive),  Upper Mass. Hall to Nichols (inclusive),  Lower Mass. Obear to Powelson (inclusive),  Harvard 1 Poyen to Stevens (inclusive),  Harvard 5 Stockbridge to de Young,  Harvard 6 Economics 1: Assignment of rooms (Economics 1). Abbot to Barr (inclusive),  Sever 20 Barry to Boothby (inclusive),  Sever 21 Bourne to Carleton (inclusive),  Sever 25 Carr to Coonley (inclusive),  Sever 26 Counihan to Edwards (inclusive),  Pierce 103 Eldred to F. M. Hall (inclusive),  Pierce 202 T. S. Hall to Kenyon (inclusive),  Pierce 209 Kerans to Mattuck (inclusive),  Pierce 212 May to Robinson (inclusive),  Zool. Lect. Rm. Roff to Trainer (inclusive),  Upper Dane Tsanoff to Zanetti,  Lawrence 1 Fine Arts 4: Assignment of rooms (Fine Arts 4). Adams to Knowles (inclusive),  Sever 37 Knowlton to Wolcott,  Fogg Lect. Rm. Archaeology 1: Assignment of rooms (Anthropology 1). Ayres to Davis (inclusive),  Sever 5 Fitzpatrick to Zelle,  Sever 6 Examinations Monday. Greek G,  Sever 29 Latin BI,  Sever 29 and 30 Latin 2,  Sever 35 Latin 10,  Sever 35 Class. Phil. 62  Sever 35 German AII,  Harvard 5 and 6, Lower Mass. German 4,  Lower Mass. French 1a,  Sever 23 and 24 French 1bII,  Sever 17 French 14,  Sever 6 History 13,  Upper Mass., Upper Dane Economics 17,  Univ. 19 Philosophy 3,  Holden Music 4,  Holden Mathematics 10,  Upper Mass. Engineering 22,  Lawrence 1 Physics C,  Pierce 103, 202, 209, 212 Physics 1,  Sever 5 and 6 Chemistry 8,  Lower Mass. Geology 9,  Geol. Mus. L.Rm. 5th fl. Mining 1,  Sever 18
